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If the question “What do you want to major in?” makes you break into a cold sweat, you can breathe - we’re not going to ask you that dreaded question. Many high school seniors do not know what they want to do with the rest of their lives, and that’s okay. If this sounds like you, then consider coming to Mount Saint Mary College as an Undeclared student.

Why be an Undeclared student?

Here's what makes the Mount's Undeclared program unique:

Students working in science class

  • Time to explore: You have up until the completion of 45 credits to pick a major, which means you’ll have until halfway through your sophomore year to make your decision.
  • Small class sizes: Where do you think you’ll be more likely to find your calling: in a large lecture hall where the professor doesn’t even know your name or in a small classroom setting that’s individualized to you? At the Mount, we find that our small classes allow our Undeclared students to really thrive and develop their passion.
  • You're not alone: We don’t expect you to just suddenly have an epiphany in freshman year, suddenly knowing exactly where your life is headed. As an Undeclared student, you’ll have a dedicated academic coach from the Office of Student Success who is ready to walk you through your journey, suggesting courses to try and keeping you on track.
  • Undeclared supportive: At the Mount, we love Undeclared students! We think they’re pretty smart, taking the time to make an informed decision instead of rushing into something they’re not sure about. Plus, we think that kind of freedom to explore academically is pretty neat!

“Being undeclared allowed me to take a few classes I wouldn’t have and helped me find the career I wanted. Even if you are unsure what to major in, everyone at the Mount will do their absolute best to give you every opportunity to find the special niche you’re looking for.”

Victoria Laiso ’19
Victoria Laiso ’19

Undeclared Frequently Asked Questions

Most likely. It depends on when you declare your major and what major you decide to go into. Some programs like science or education begin classes early, while others have a bit more flexibility in course scheduling. Because all students have to take a certain amount of credits across the curriculum, no matter their major, you can use those credits to explore your options and stay on track for graduation.

No! Because of the Mount’s General Education credits, you’d have to take introductory courses in a number of divisions anyway. Additionally, many majors leave room for elective credits, of which your courses as an Undeclared student can fill.

You’ll need to declare a major by the end of 45 credits, which is normally halfway through your sophomore year.

Your advisor will be one of our academic coaches from the Office of Student Success. (They’re amazing, trust us!)

Yes, you will be a real student! In fact, you’ll be taking many of the same classes as your peers, so there won’t be much of a difference your freshman year. Faculty may treat you differently, though…in a good way! Our professors love undeclared students, because they see an opportunity to have you fall in love with their subject. Your professors completely understand what you’re going through and are here to help you make your decision. In fact, some of our faculty are even formerly undeclared students themselves, so they’ve been in your shoes.

Student writing

What to expect as an Undeclared student

Since the Mount is a liberal arts school, that means that every student at the college has to take a certain amount of credits in disciplines like math, English, history, and science, no matter their major. So you’ll be following the same schedule as everyone else and learning who you want to become along the way!

As an Undeclared student, you’ll meet with your academic coach at least once per semester, but you can meet with them as often as you’d like to discuss your future. In these meetings, you’ll talk about your strengths, what you like to do in your free time, and even work with the Career Center to take career and personal assessments to help you determine your goals.

You can declare a major any time after entering the college, but you’ll have to make your decision once you’ve completed 45 credits - approximately halfway through your sophomore year. But don’t worry - we’ll be here to help you every step of the way as you make your decision.

Here’s where some of our former Undeclared students are now:

  • Jonathan Geissler ’13, Director of Marketing at Seely & Durand, Inc.
  • Tyler Mannix ’19, Digital Marketing Coordinator at HAI Group

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