Biblical Studies
Minor in Biblical Studies
Did you know that there have been more than 5,000,000,000 copies of the Bible sold, making it the best-selling book of all time? People have dedicated their lives to studying this book, so let’s discuss its stories, influence, and message together.
Whether you’re interested in learning more about the stories you heard about growing up or simply want to dive deeper into your knowledge of this type of literature, the Biblical Studies minor at the Mount will seek to foster your appreciation for and understanding of this influential text.
Why study Biblical Studies?
Here's what makes the Mount's Biblical Studies minor unique:
- Passionate faculty: Did you know that Jesus’ crucifixion has connections to the sacrifice of Isaac? What really happened in the Garden of Eden? Our Biblical Studies professors will surprise you with all of the things you never knew about the Bible - and make it that much more interesting and meaningful in return.
- Biblical heritage: Learn from history! The Mount owns the full seven-volume Heritage Edition set of the Saint John’s Bible, a fine art reproduction of the first handwritten and illuminated Bible produced in more than 500 years. The college hosts talks around the Saint John’s Bible often, bringing in biblical scholars from around the country to discuss it.
- Disputatio: The Mount is founded upon the Dominican value of “disputatio,” or respectful dialogue. In our Biblical Studies classes, students are encouraged to find “veritas,” or truth, in a free, open, and respectful environment. In other words: questions encouraged!
What to expect as a Biblical Studies minor
12 credits of Biblical Studies | 6 credits of Religious Studies
Learn about Biblical Studies minor academic requirements and courses here.
As part of the Biblical Studies minor, you’ll take courses that help to increase your understanding of biblical literature and themes, with an emphasis on salvation history and the connections between the Old and New Testaments. You’ll also have opportunities to take courses on specific books of the Bible like Revelation as well as two courses in broader religious studies to tie together biblical themes, such as World Religions, Religion and Sports, Dominican Spirituality, Theology of Film, and more. You may also choose to participate in an independent study with a professor on a topic of your choice.
Be prepared for your future
A minor in Biblical Studies gives you the foundation for further biblical studies at the graduate school level or to teach religious education or a Bible study at your church. The deductive, critical thinking, and language skills of this discipline are applicable to any career, and the courses should also give students a broader appreciation of the Bible for personal study and reflection.
Sarah Elizabeth Maple

Robert Miller

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