Student of Concern Referral Bias Incident/Hate Crime Report Student Affairs & Title IX Complaint

We pride ourselves at Mount Saint Mary College on creating an atmosphere of acceptance and open-mindedness.

Maintaining such an environment requires guidance and leadership; advocacy and understanding; and adherence to the spirit, not just to the letter, of established laws. 

The Office of Diversity and Compliance is the overarching entity that oversees four integral areas to ensure equity, inclusivity, and compliance for all members of the Mount Saint Mary community. The four reporting areas of the office are: Title IXDiversity, Equity, and InclusionDiscrimination & Harassment, and Disability Services.

Our office specializes in creating and implementing policies, procedures, and practices that align with the college’s values and ideals to ensure fairness and compliance. We provide support and resources for all to thrive academically, professionally, socially, and personally. We educate and train everyone to fully understand the compliance requirements and our overall expectations regarding diversity, Title IX, affirmative action, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

We embrace four words that begin with the letter "A" to express our commitment to each of the areas we own—Assurance, Acceptance, Access, and Adherence. These are words we live by at the Mount to ensure equitable access, services, and resources to eliminate barriers to success; build community consensus and synergy; and promote an emotionally intelligent and engaging environment that considers and appreciates the unique composition, cultures, needs, talents, and abilities of the Mount community.

Assurance: title ix

In keeping with the college's Catholic Dominican traditions and Judeo-Christian values, we are committed to maintaining a college community in which all are treated with respect and dignity.

Mount Saint Mary College is committed to providing a living and learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, including violence of any kind.

Title IX is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on a person's sex. Sex discrimination includes any form of sex-based harassment, sexual misconduct, and sexual violence. 

Learn more about Title IX

Adherence: Discrimination and Harassment

Mount Saint Mary College is committed to promoting a learning and working environment where discrimination and harassment is not tolerated. This policy shall apply regardless of race, color, religion, creed, ethnicity, national origin, sex or gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status, veteran status, disability, predisposing genetic characteristics, pregnancy, domestic violence victim status, or other basis identified in federal or state law. Acts of discrimination and harassment, which are offenses directed against persons because of their actual or perceived membership in one of these categories, are prohibited under this policy. This policy prohibits discrimination and harassment on College property and in all College programs and activities. Conduct prohibited by this policy also may violate laws enforced through the public criminal justice system. Individuals may decide to utilize both this policy and the public criminal justice system, simultaneously, to address covered conduct.

Learn more about the Discrimination and Harassment Policy at the Mount

Employee Discrimination and Harassment Policy found in the Employee Handbook.

Acceptance: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

With the Dominican Pillars of study, spirituality, service, and community as our guide, Mount Saint Mary College is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) on our campus and in our local communities. Everyone who works, studies at, or visits our campus deserves respect and the opportunity to be seen and heard. We strive to do what is right, just, and best for all.

The benefits of DEI are far-ranging, allowing our community to be fully engaged, to understand some of the challenges that exist, and to become aware of our own personal blind spots.

Learn more about DEI at the Mount

Access: ADA Compliance & accessibility

Whether you have a physical, psychiatric, or learning disability, our office will work with you to ensure you receive the accommodations you need to have a fantastic college experience. We have a welcoming and accepting office environment, a dedicated student annex, and friendly staff members who are ready to walk you through your journey, not just with accommodations, but throughout your college experience. The college reaffirms its commitment to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in our programs, benefits, and services. The mission of the Office of Disability Services is to provide individualized support to students with disabilities to ensure access to a complete and fulfilling higher education. 

Learn more about Disability Services at the Mount

Section 504/ ADA Complaint/ Appeals Process

Student Rights and Responsibilities
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
US Department of Education FAQ

Alisha Williams-McCorvey

Assistant Vice President for Students and Title IX Coordinator
Email Address
Hudson Hall 115

Margaret Kemp

Director of Disability Services and Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Email Address
Hudson Hall 117

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