- by Mount Saint Mary College
Ramyapandian Vijayakanthan visited Mount Saint Mary College to discuss the IoT, or “Internet of Things,” which is networks of physical objects embedded with sensors, software, or other technologies.

Ramyapandian Vijayakanthan, adjunct faculty of computer science at Montclair State University and doctoral candidate of information technology at Towson University, shared her research regarding the “Internet of Things” (IoT) with students at Mount Saint Mary College recently.

IoT describes networks of physical objects that are embedded with sensors, software, or other technologies.

Vijayakanthan recently invented an approach to perform memory analysis by transforming memory into sound waves to be used in smart devices, such as cars. Her presentation, “Securing our IoT Ecosystem,” outlined her experience researching this and the future of this technology as a whole.

This research is funded by the National Security Agency. She also has expertise in Android and traditional security systems. 

This talk was presented by the college’s Center for Cybersecurity, as part of a series of on-campus presentations given by guest speakers.


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