Mount Saint Mary College’s chapter of the Beta Beta Beta (Tri-Beta) Biological Honor Society recently hosted a sweatshirt sale to raise funds and awareness for the K9s for Warriors organization.
More than 50 students participated. As part of their fundraiser, they designed and sold sweatshirts. Their efforts raised more than $1,000, with 100 percent of the proceeds donated to the K9s For Warriors foundation.
Many Tri-Beta members have firsthand experience of veterans' challenges post-service, motivating them to support the organization, which advocates for improved care and acknowledgment for veterans.
Founded in 2011, K9s for Warriors is the nation’s largest provider of trained Service Dogs to military veterans suffering from PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and/or sexual trauma during their time in the armed forces. It’s committed to ending veteran suicide and welcomes donations to help train rescued dogs to serve as assistance animals for underprivileged veterans.
Since 1975, Tri-Beta has been the National Biological Honor Society at the Mount. Eligible students, who have completed their first semester of sophomore year and maintain a 3.0 or higher cumulative average in biology courses, can join.
Membership in the organization is based on exceptional academic and professional accomplishments. Students passionate about biological sciences can apply for associate membership. The organization aims to promote scientific knowledge, support scholarly pursuits, and advance biological research.