- by Mount Saint Mary College
Mount’s Emotional Wellness Fair brings students tranquility of mind, body

Mount Saint Mary College students learned tips for staying healthy at a recent Emotional Wellness Fair. 

Mount Saint Mary College’s Counseling Services hosted an Emotional Wellness Fair on Tuesday, September 10 that gave students tools for staying healthy and happy.
“We want students to recognize emotional wellness is not just about expressing your feelings,” said Orin Strauchler, assistant dean of Student Support Services and director of counseling. “It is more than just that.”
Some of the activities at the fair included drawing expressive art and various physical exercises. Students also had the opportunity to discuss the characteristics of unhealthy relationships and what to do in such situations.
“We want students to know that it’s okay to talk about their feelings and it’s okay to reach out for help,” he said.
The fair also offered information on spiritual wellness, healthy meals on campus, student activities, and counseling services that Mount students can utilize to stay happy and healthy.
“We want freshmen, especially, to connect to the different services on campus and to meet people that can help,” said Strauchler. 
September is National Suicide Prevention month, he noted. Also launching this month is the Mount initiative Seize the Awkward.
Seize the Awkward is a national campaign started by the Ad Council, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and the JED Foundation. It uses strong marketing and social media to help people start conversations about mental and emotional health. The event for this program will occur at the Mount later this month.
Another service the Mount offers is QPR: Question Persuade Refer. QPR is training for people to recognize the signs of someone who may be feeling suicidal, and how to intervene when people need help. This program was implemented at the college last year.

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