- by Mount Saint Mary College
Mount’s Dominican Scholars donate time, cash, and supplies to local community

The Rev. Ernst Mossl of Christ Lutheran Church in Newburgh (right), home of the Baby Steps Baby Pantry, accepts a donation from Charles Zola, Assistant to the President for Mission Integration, associate professor of Philosophy, and director of the Mount’s Catholic and Dominican Institute. Zola oversees the Dominican Scholars of Hope program at Mount Saint Mary College.

Mount Saint Mary College’s Dominican Scholars of Hope are proud to be wrapping up another semester of service and community outreach.

The scholars recently donated supplies, money, and volunteer time to the Baby Steps Baby Pantry at Christ Lutheran Church in Newburgh, N.Y. 

Rooted in the values of the Judeo-Christian and Dominican heritage of the college, the Dominican Scholars of Hope (DSH) is a nonacademic living and learning community for highly motivated Mount students. 

The Rev. Ernst Mossl of Christ Lutheran Church was grateful to accept some of the donations in person.

“It’s faith in action,” said the Rev. Mossl. “We’re really grateful to the Dominican Scholars for all they do for us. It’s been wonderful in so many different ways and we’re looking forward to continuing to work together.”

Through a series of Krispy Kreme donut fundraisers, the DSH raised nearly $700 for the pantry, which provides infant supplies for families in need in the local area. Each month, families who are part of the program are provided with a week’s worth of diapers, wipes, wash, and cream.

But the scholars’ dedication to service doesn’t end there: In October, the DSH hosted a food and clothing drive for the benefit of Safe Homes of Orange County. They dropped off several large bags of donations in early November.

Also this month, the Dominican Scholars of Hope helped out at the Good Shepherd Soup Kitchen on Broadway in the City of Newburgh by preparing and serving lunch, as well as by sorting clothing.

Following in the footsteps of St. Dominic, the DSH are steeped in the Dominican tradition of service. The program is spearheaded by Charles Zola, Assistant to the President for Mission Integration, associate professor of Philosophy, and director of the Mount’s Catholic and Dominican Institute. Under Zola’s leadership, the scholars have donated hundreds of dollars to local charities and spent many hours volunteering in the local community. 

The Dominican Sisters of Newburgh established Mount Saint Mary College as a four-year institution 60 years ago. Now, more than 18,000 graduates and six decades later, the Mount continues its rich tradition of academic excellence and dedication to service. The four pillars of Dominican life – study, spirituality, service, and community – are still as integral to the Mount experience as they were six decades ago.

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