To celebrate Mount Saint Mary College’s 65th anniversary, alumni, employees, and friends of the Mount joined together to raise more than $230,000 for scholarships.
And they did it in only 65 hours.
Proceeds from the event will directly support the Mount’s Donor Scholarship Fund. This fund is used as a safety net to assist students who have exhausted all financial aid options and find themselves on the brink of having to discontinue their education. The average award is approximately $2,500.
In just under three days, more than 280 donors aided the cause, with about 66 percent coming from Mount alumni. More than 60 donors made their first gift to the college during this challenge.
“The outpouring of support from our Dominican Sisters of Hope, trustees, leadership volunteers, alumni, friends, and our very own faculty and staff has been truly inspirational,” said Nikki Khurana-Baugh, vice president for Advancement. “This amazing community answered the call to help our students and came together to raise more than $230,000 for much needed scholarships. Our students are blessed to be a part of the Mount family. On behalf of every student, please accept my humble gratitude and appreciation.”
The 65-Hour Challenge has ended, but you can still contribute to the cause. Online gifts can still be made by visiting www.msmc.edu/GivingChallenge