- by Mount Saint Mary College
Mount Saint Mary College prays for peace on October 17.

Students, faculty, and staff from Mount Saint Mary College gathered around the Peace Pole on Tuesday, October 17 to pray for peace in the Middle East.

As the sun began to wane behind them, the group headed to the Peace Pole, an internationally-recognized symbol of human unity. Fr. Greg Fluet, Interim President of the college, led the prayer session.

“We have made the words of Cardinal Dolan our own,” said Fr. Fluet. “To paraphrase his statement: The collective heart of the Mount Saint Mary College family goes out to those innocents caught in this terrible conflict in the Middle East; people who want nothing more than to live in peace with their families. We add our concerns, our tears, and hopes for peace.”

The prayer session was spearheaded by the college’s Campus Ministry and the Catholic and Dominican Institute.