- by Mount Saint Mary College
Mount Saint Mary College

Mount Saint Mary College will aid students impacted by the closure of the College of Saint Rose by enabling them to complete their degrees without interruption, loss of time, or loss of credits.

The Mount’s Teach-Out program offers many benefits, including an expedited admissions process, tuition matching, and more for students in a large selection of undergraduate and graduate programs. (See the full list of eligible programs below.)

Students can meet with a Mount admissions counselor in-person, virtually, or over the phone. Contact for more information or apply online at

The Mount will accept all earned credits from the College of Saint Rose programs listed in the Teach-Out agreement. The Mount will advise students on which remaining courses will be required for their specific degree program. St. Rose students can request that their Registrar’s Office send their previous college and high school transcripts to the Mount for a seamless transition. In addition, there are no admissions, enrollment, or transfer fees.

St. Rose students in the Mount’s Teach-Out program will also enjoy guaranteed housing in the Mount’s modern residence halls, if their deposit is paid by June 1. Resident students are just a short walk away from classes and options for dining, recreation, study, and more.

The Mount offers small class sizes and personal attention from faculty; student housing; resident assistant opportunities; athletics tryouts; and participation in clubs, student government, and other aspects of student life. Approximately 25 percent of the Mount’s population is transfer students.


Undergraduate Teach-Out Programs with Saint Rose equivalent programs

  • Biology
  • Business Management and Administration (Business Administration)
  • Childhood Education & Teaching Students with Disabilities (Childhood Education/Special Education: Grades 1-6)
  • Cybersecurity
  • Early Childhood and Childhood Education (Early Childhood and Childhood Education: Grades 1-6)
  • English
  • Adolescence Education in English (English: Adolescence Education)
  • English Adolescence Ed Plus Teaching Students with Disabilities (English Adol. Ed/Special Education)
  • History
  • Adolescence Education in Social Studies (Social Studies Adolescence Education)
  • History Adolescence Education Students with Disabilities (Social Studies Adolescence Education/Special Ed)

Graduate Teach-Out Programs with Saint Rose equivalent programs

  • Adolescence Education, 7-12 (Option I) (Adolescence Education)
  • Adolescence Education, 7-12 & Special Ed (Option II) (Adolescence Education/Special Education Generalist 7-12)
  • Childhood Ed, 1-6. Special Ed 1-6 (Option II) (Childhood Education/Special Education)
  • Special Education 1-6 (Special Education: Grades 1-6)
  • Special Education 7-12 (Special Education: Generalist Grades 7-12)


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