No matter your major, you’re bound to have a class on the third floor of Aquinas Hall. Whether it’s an 8 am or 5 pm course, hiking up to the third floor for classes can be draining, especially when the stairs rival that of the DC steps.
Here are a few simple tips to surviving classes on the third floor of Aquinas:
The simple answer is - the elevator! From having to walk up the stairs early in the morning to running a little late to class, the elevator can be a huge time saver. Plus, you won’t have to take the time to catch your breath as you’re walking into class.
One of the biggest perks of having class on the third floor is getting to take in some amazing views. Viewing the beautiful Hudson Valley from the window, you’re sure to see some amazing views - especially during sunset. But be careful, it’s easy to get distracted when you’re by the window.
Sometimes a treat can be just the thing to get you through a class, no matter where it is on campus. Before you head up to the third floor, stop by the Aquinas Starbucks Café on the ground floor for a coffee or tea as a pick me up! Looking to grab something quickly? The Campus Store and Commuter Lounge also have bottled drinks and snacks to grab.