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Professor Wakeman teaches classes on Shakespeare, medieval and early modern literatures, food writing, and academic writing. His research explores a literary history of four meals that shaped the ecological, economic, and spiritual values of sixteenth-century England: the hunting banquet, the shepherd's repast, takeaway from London cookshops, and the religious holiday feast.

Doctor of Philosophy, University of Maryland, College Park
Master of Arts, University of Maryland, College Park
Bachelor of Arts, Drew University

ENG 1010 Academic Writing
ENG 2010 British Literatures I
ENG 3070 Shakespeare

Specialization/Areas of Research Interest
Medieval and Early Modern Drama
Food, animals, and agriculture in literature
Culinary and medical receipt books

Memberships and Professional Associations
Medieval and Renaissance Drama Society
Modern Language Association
New Chaucer Society
Shakespeare Association of America


  • “‘What’s this? what’s this?’: Stockfish and Piscine Sexuality in Measure for Measure,” in Routledge Handbook of Shakespeare and Animals, eds. Karen Raber and Holly Dugan (forthcoming)
  • Review: Sarah Kay, Animal Skins and the Reading Self in Medieval Latin and French Bestiaries (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017), in The Comparatist (forthcoming)
  • “Shakespeare, Gascoigne, and the Hunter’s Uneasy Conscience,” Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 29.2 (Spring 2017): 136-156.
  • “Peaceable Kingdom: The Place of the Dog at the Living Nativity Scene,” in Performing Animals, eds. Karen Raber and Monica Mattfeld (Penn State University Press, 2017): 81-93 
  • “Groping Golgotha: Soil Improvement in the Towneley and Chester Shepherds’ Plays,” in Ground-Work: Soil Science in Renaissance Literature, ed., Hillary Eklund (Duquesne University Press, 2017): 103-116
  • “Emulsifying Greasy Desire in Shakespeare and John Taylor the Water Poet,” in Object-Oriented Environs, eds., Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and Julian Yates (punctum books, 2016): 135-144
  • “The ‘Best Breathed’ Knights in a Stertorous Age: Tuberculosis and Sidney Lanier’s The Boy’s King Arthur,” Arthuriana, 25.3 (Fall 2015): 98-114
  • Review: David B. Goldstein, Eating and Ethics in Shakespeare’s England (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013), in The Shakespeare Newsletter, 65.1 (Fall 2015): 19-20

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