Lawrence Force
Professor of Psychology

Professor Force, a gerontologist, has worked in the field of aging and disabilities for over 30 years as an administrator, clinician and educator. Dr. Force is a professor of psychology and the director of the Center on Aging and Disability Policy at Mount Saint Mary College. Professor Force has authored and collaborated on books, articles, chapters, monographs and technical reports that address topics of: aging policy, development of aging coalitions with AAA's, life-long disabilities, community-based programs for individuals with specialized needs, adult day services, Alzheimer's disease, family caregiving and end-of-life care.
Among his many published works in this field, He recently published The Detoxing of Caregivers: Key Tips for Survival, Strength, and Patience, which provides practical tips and discusses strategies and skills to help both family members and professionals cope with the stresses of caregiving and Gerentology: An Interactive Text, 2nd edition, which integrates historical and current research in the field of aging and gerontology with cutting-edge technological platforms and is the co-author of End-of-Life Care: A guide for Supporting Older People with Intellectual Disabilities & their Families. Dr. Force was sponsored as a Summer Institute Fellow at the National Institute on Aging and the RAND Corporation. Professor Force was funded as a Principal Investigator (PI) on a National Institute of Health (NIH) funded project and has presented his work at national and international conferences.
Doctor of Philosophy, SUNY/ Albany, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
Master of Arts, New School for Social Research
Bachelor of Arts, Iona College
NY State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council Grant (NYS DDPC): ProActive Caring Program 2017-Present
NIH Grant: Determinants of Service Provision for the Disabled Aged, 2005-2009
Awarded Kaplan Foundation Grant to support student-faculty research, 1995-Present
Mount Saint Mary College (MSMC) Faculty Development Grant, Summer, 1995 and Summer, 1998
Professional Affiliations
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
Gerontological Society of America (GSA)
National Institute of Health (NIH), Principal Investigator, Determinants of Preventive Service Provision by Area Agencies on Aging, 2006-2009
RAND Corporation Summer Institute on Epidemiology and Demography of Aging, Santa Monica, Calif. August 9-13, 1996
National Institute on Aging (NIA) Summer Institute on Aging Research, Washington, D.C. July 15 - July 22, 1995.
LCSW-R Licensed Clinical Social Worker / New York State Education Department
NBCCH – National Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist