Christina Alvey
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Chair of the Division of Math & IT

Christina Alvey joined the Division of Mathematics and Information Technology at Mount Saint Mary College in 2015. She earned a BS in Mathematics and Actuarial Science from North Central College, and a PhD in Mathematics from Purdue University. Her current research investigates mathematical models in biology and epidemiology, as well as current trends and developments in the field of mathematics education.
PhD in Mathematics, Purdue University
Bachelor of Science, North Central College
MTH 1015 Investigating Contemporary Issues Using Math and Technology CIT 1052 Computer Literacy MTH 1200 Excursions in Math I MTH 1400 Elementary Functions MTH 1500 Precalculus MTH 2450 Topics in Computer Math MTH 2510 Calculus I MTH 2520 Calculus II MTH 3041 Differential Equations MTH 3175 Mathematical Biology MTH/CYB 3620 Cryptography
Specialization/Area of Research Interest
Mathematical Biology
Differential Equations
Mathematics Education
Memberships and Professional Associations
MAA - Mathematical Association of America
SMB - Society for Mathematical Biology
SIAM - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
AWM - Association for Women in Mathematics
- Alvey, C., & Alvey, D. (2024). Mathematical Biology: Discrete and Differential Equations. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.
- Newton, J., Alvey, C., & Hudson, R.A. (2022). Investigating Mathematics Pre-service Teachers' Knowledge for Teaching: Focus on Quadratic Equations. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, Vol. 24.2, 86-110.
- Alvey, C., Newton, J., Hudson, R.A., & Males, L.M. (2016). Secondary Pre-Service Teachers' Algebraic Reasoning About Linear Equation Solving. IUMPST: The Journal, Vol. 1 (Content Knowledge), 1-16.
- Alvey, C., Feng, Z., & Glasser, J. (2015). A model for the coupled disease dynamics of HIV and HSV-2 with mixing among and between genders. Mathematical Biosciences, 265, 82-100.
- Kapitanov, G., Alvey, C., Vogt-Geisse, K., & Feng, Z. (2015). An Age-Structured Model For the Coupled Dynamics of HIV and HSV-2. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering: MBE, 12(4), 803-840.
- Vogt-Geisse, K., Lorenzo (Alvey), C., & Feng, Z. (2013). Impact of age-dependent relapse and immunity on malaria dynamics. Journal of Biological Systems, 21(04).
- Feng, Z., Qiu, Z., Sang, Z., Lorenzo (Alvey), C., & Glasser, J. (2013). Modeling the synergy between HSV-2 and HIV and potential impact of HSV-2 therapy. Mathematical Biosciences, 245(2), 171-187.
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