Aquinas Hall 120F


Dr. Caitlan Truelove earned her PhD in Musicology at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) in 2023, writing a dissertation on the twenty-first-century television musical series. She has presented her work on film and television music at the American and International Musicological Societies, the Society for American Music, and Music and the Moving Image, among others.

In addition to working as the Editorial Assistant for the Journal of the American Musicological Society, Caitlan also teaches private violin lessons at SUNY Dutchess Community College. Prior to these appointments, she taught a variety of academic music courses at Syracuse University as an adjunct instructor.

PhD Musicology, University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music '23
MM Violin Performance, Syracuse University '17
BM Violin Performance, The Pennsylvania State University '15
BA Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University '15

MUS 1040 Intro to Music
MUS 2150 Literature of Musical Theatre

Specializations / Areas of Interest
Film and Television Music
Television Musical Series
Musical Theatre


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