Melissa Broe
Our technology goal at Bishop Dunn is to integrate technology across the curriculum by supplementing lessons taught in the classroom with student-created presentations, teacher-created presentations, research utilizing the Internet and children's encyclopedias, and educational software for students to reinforce concepts learned in class.
Productivity software provides students with the opportunity to focus on many different areas including grammar, math skills, social studies, science, geography, vocabulary, writing, spelling, literature, reading, and creativity. Students in grades K-8 have the opportunity to work on many different productivity software programs including the following: G-Suite, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Inspiration, Kidspiration, and Adobe PhotoShop as well as educational software programs. All students work on keyboarding skills.
Welcome to Technology Class
Inspiration/Kidspiration - visual learning tool. Inspiration and Kidspiration's integrated diagramming and outlining tools work together to help students comprehend concepts and information. Inspiration/Kidspiration enables students to brainstorm, plan, organize, outline, prewrite, diagram, create concept maps, and create concept webs.
Google Docs - A word processing and desktop publishing program for reports, newsletter, journals, letters and signs.
Google Sheets - Microsoft Excel helps students organize, chart, and evaluate all types of information from all curricular areas in a spreadsheet format.
Google Slides - multimedia/presentation software. PowerPoint enables students to visually organize ideas and research, improve critical-thinking and problem-solving processes, and builds communicating and presentation skills.
Google Jamboard - Interactive Whiteboard
We follow the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students found at