Seventh and Eighth Grade Religion
Kelly Trotta
Caitlin Bonanno
The seventh and eighth grade religion program follows the guidelines set by the Archdiocese of New York which include: the revelation of God in the Old Testament and the New Testament, Jesus and the Gospel message, sacraments, human sexuality, church history, morality, prayer, and personal growth (human person and the human community).
The students also review Catholic prayers and traditions throughout the Church seasons and work on developing an appreciation for liturgy and the Eucharist through various activities, such as planning liturgies and participating in Mass and Benediction. The sacrament of Reconciliation is also offered at various times throughout the school year.
Welcome to Middle School Religion
All the grades will be working on saint projects in honor of All Saints Day. They will be learning about the meaning of the holy day as well as about various saints related to their curriculum. During advent, the middle school students prepare for the celebration on the birth of Christ through several liturgical celebrations and activities.
The three middle school religion classes plan several events for Lent and Easter. The eighth grade will sponsor our annual Soup and Bread Supper on February 28, 2018. The seventh graders participate by setting up the tables, bread and dinnerware. Then, the eighth graders serve the soup and offer a short prayer service and witness talks. The money raised is donated to the St. Patrick's Soup Kitchen here in Newburgh. The seventh grade will present the Living Stations of the Cross close to Holy Week.
God Calls a People, from the Christ Our Life series, Loyola Press (6th Grade)
Christ our Life, from the Christ Our Life series, Loyola Press (7th Grade)
The Church Then and Now, from the Christ Our Life series, Loyola Press (8th Grade)
Good News Bible, Catholic edition (all grades)
Textbook Website