Welcome to the Mount!

Photo of Dr. Robert Gervasi.

This is a special place: A close-knit community focused on providing our students with the education and experiences that will help them find success in their life and make a difference in their communities.

At the Mount, you’ll find students who benefit from small class sizes, strong faculty interaction, opportunities for research and career development, and a wonderful education in the liberal arts. Our nursing, education, and business undergraduate and graduate programs have long been known for the outstanding quality and professionalism of their graduates, but the Mount also offers excellent programs in mathematics, technology, English, communications, philosophy, religious studies, natural sciences, social sciences, and more. 

Our students learn to think critically and act conscientiously. The Mount comes from a strong Catholic Dominican tradition that, for more than 700 years, has emphasized service, community building, and teaching. Today the Mount is a diverse community that continues that tradition while readying you for the rigors of the modern world. We hope to instill in our students an understanding that there is something bigger than yourself. What can you do with the talents you have to help others?

Email the President


Robert Gervasi


Barbara Connolly

Executive Assistant to the President
Villa, Room 200

Tiffany Gagliano

Vice President for Legal Affairs and Strategy, General Counsel and Secretary to the Board of Trustees

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